Episode 14

Ranking and Diagnostic Reporting Techniques


October 16th, 2019

14 mins 33 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

    <p>This episode is Part III to our Data 101 series and fits nicely with Episodes 9 and 12 (Parts I and II, respectively).&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>In this episode, Chris reviews another technique for reporting called “Ranking and Diagnostic.”&nbsp;&nbsp;Ranking and Diagnostic Reporting is a method of reporting where the metrics to be collected based on a reporting strategy that will rank order performance on a particular outcome metric based on actionable segments.&nbsp;&nbsp;And then, a series of diagnostic metrics are used to define what drives outcomes in one direction or another.</p><ul><li><strong>Why</strong>: The idea of ranking and diagnostic reporting is a frame of reference to be used when designing a data plan that will ensure the resulting information will be actionable.</li><li><strong>Ranking Metrics</strong>: Ranking metrics will always have two components: A) an independent variable that defines different areas of management and B) an outcome measure that defines success with which to rank order the independent variables.</li><li><strong>Diagnostic Metrics</strong>: Diagnostic metrics are the key drivers of the outcome you’re measuring.&nbsp;&nbsp;Key drivers are determined using common sense, management initiatives, or statistical analysis.</li><li><strong>Putting it all into Practice</strong>: By using ranking and diagnostic reporting together, you have a robust reporting tool that informs stakeholders when action is needed, where it is needed, and what needs to be done to fix things.</li></ul><p><br></p><p><strong>Other Reporting Frameworks</strong></p><ul><li><a href="http://portma.com/report-event-marketing-performance" target="_blank">Event Marketing Performance and How to Report It</a></li><li><a href="http://portma.com/recap-reporting-brand-strategy-and-event-marketing-measurement-part-5-of-5" target="_blank">Recap Reporting, Brand Strategy, and Event Marketing Measurement</a></li></ul>